You know it has been awhile since you last blogged when you have to look up your password to your account! Oh my has it been awhile. I took most of the last year off not intentionally but it just happened. With all of my boys in school I really thought I'd tackle all of the scrapbooking I need to finish, make a ton of cards, go take pictures at the zoo without the kids, and then blog about it all. That obviously did not happen. I did find myself working out a little more, volunteering at school a LOT more, and keeping the house cleaner. All of those things are wonderful and great but I missed my creative time! So this year I am really going to try to give me some me time. I'm going to scrapbook, make cards, and try to take more photos. I'm also going to get on here more than once every 6 months. I'm also not going to feel guilty about spending some time on me. So here's the first of hopefully many more Photo Fridays and other blog posts.
Today marks the end of the first full week of school for my boys and it couldn't have gone better! The boys have been excited to get going everyday and after school hasn't been chaotic (yet). Homework has been manageable and I can still make a mean book cover. Instruments have been getting practiced and reading has been getting done. I just hope we can keep this up all year! Here are some of our back to school photos. Enjoy!
Zach- 7th Grade |
Alex- 4th Grade |
Geoff- 1st Grade |
Tanner- 3rd Grade |
Geoff is the only one who I went with into the classroom that morning. Not because he needed me to go with him, I needed to drop him off, for me. How can my baby be a first grader already?! He found his desk and got right to work. Of course I wanted a couple of pictures. I may take a few too many pictures. Maybe. Just after I snapped this one he gave me a sigh and the 'aren't you done taking pictures yet?' look. I left right after that. Gotta love that kid.
Here's to a great school year and a great year of taking some time for me! I hope you all had a great start to your school year as well. I can't wait to see what this year has in store for all of us. Until next time. Thanks for stopping!