Resolution #1- Remember to take photos of the little things. Sometimes when life gets going so fast and you are running from here to there photos of the ordinary everyday moments can get forgotten. I used to take pictures of everything and then mellowed out a bit and 'saved' taking pictures for those 'big' moments. I really want to try to capture more memories of us just being us. Tanner had already lost a tooth but now that he's lost two it's hard to eat. I want to always remember this goofy grin and other moments like it. They grow up way too fast.
Resolution #3- Don't fret if a photo isn't perfect. Sometimes I think I get too caught up in looking at all of the professional photos out there and get discouraged. I need to remember that I'm not a professional and that my photos won't always be perfect and that's OK. I snapped this photo in the theatre with my iPhone. I know it's not great (unedited on left) but with a little help from Photoshop (photo on right) it is a great addition to our family album. If I was worrying about perfection I might not have even snapped it. Even a not perfect photo is better than no photo.
Resolution #4- Be more thankful. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family, wonderful friends, a good home, and good health. Sometimes I lose sight of how lucky I am and want to remember this year to always be thankful for everything I have.
Resolution #5- Spend more time with friends. We enjoyed a great New Year's Eve with a family that we have known for over 10 years now! With work schedules and school it's hard to get together but we had a great time. I want to spend more time with all of our friends. Whether it's a family play date, a walk around the neighborhood, or an adult date night I'd just like to spend more time with our friends.
Resolution #6- Embrace their creativity. I know that I don't always give my children full attention when they share with me things they have created. I get so caught up in everyday life (dishes, laundry, etc) that sometimes I forget to really stop and look at what my kids are creating. They create some amazing things and I want to encourage them and photograph these creations. This helicopter landing pad shows Zach's awesome building skills with Legos as well as embraces his love for flying helicopters. This landing pad even has lights! I think this kid might someday be an engineer and it would be awesome to have a photo record of the things he's made as a child.
Resolution #7- Don't sweat the small stuff. I can get too worked up over a mess that my boys make and I need to realize that they are kids and kids make messes. I know that we aren't the only family that received Rainbow Looms for Christmas. Those rubber bands can make a big mess (I like to remind my husband that they don't hurt when you step on them like Legos do). The final creation is well worth the mess though. I'm glad that my boys are being creative and aren't just sitting in front of the TV playing the Wii.
Resolution #9- Spend less. Not just on eating out (although that's one area). I am a sucker for a good deal and often times it is not something that I need. I really want this year to be a year that I don't buy things just because they are 'on sale' or 'clearance.' I'm going to try to think twice before I buy. This will not only make my checkbook happier but our home as well. Buying less means more room at home for the things we already have.
Resolution #10- Scrapbook more and use my stash. This goes hand in hand with #9. I have a room FULL of supplies. I really want to use them up and not purchase any more supplies unless they are needed (adhesive). This one will be hard for me but I'm up for the challenge. I hope it will mean getting more pages in my albums, more cards out to my friends and family, more room in my craft room, more money in my wallet, and more creativity up here on my blog.
Wow! That took longer than I expected. I hope my resolutions help you think of some of your own. I also hope that by putting these down in writing I will really work hard to keep all of them. I'd love to hear what your resolutions are this year. Maybe we can work on them together. Thanks for stopping!
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